
Even though health concerns in the early 2000’s associating soy milk with GMO’s and added sugar, and environmental concerns of monocultures decimating the American Plains have been debunked, I recently saw a message stenciled on the wall of prominent Philadelphia coffee house saying, “Never any soy.” The barista, too, confirmed that they “never ever served […]

Charmed Lives

I am very committed to my exercise routine.  It makes me feel better.  It has taken me a bit of time to perfect it, but now I have the ideal workout.  Most mornings I walk to my neighborhood Starbucks.  I get all of my required daily steps with a side of fresh air and coffee.  […]


Yes.  It’s a verb.  I starbuckle.  Meaning, you ask?  To visit Starbucks and become an expert customer.  You can conjugate it like any other verb: I/you/we starbuckle every morning.She/he starbuckles randomly.I am/we are starbuckling at this moment.I have starbuckled often.I have starbuckled extensively in Colorado and Connecticut. You see where I am going with this.  […]