Yes.  It’s a verb.  I starbuckle.  Meaning, you ask?  To visit Starbucks and become an expert customer.  You can conjugate it like any other verb:

I/you/we starbuckle every morning.
She/he starbuckles randomly.
I am/we are starbuckling at this moment.
I have starbuckled often.
I have starbuckled extensively in Colorado and Connecticut.

You see where I am going with this.  And, for those of you who are rule followers, yes, I most certainly can make up my own words.  If Samuel Johnson was able to do it 1755 and, in fact, publish a dictionary that included some of his words, then I feel free to do so.

I have kept extensive notes on my starbuckling experiences.  The good. The bad. The ugly. The unbelievably amazing.

Take another sip and relax.  I will tell you about it.