You will have noticed by now that I do, in fact, assign points to my starbuckling experiences. Full disclosure is probably a good idea, here.  I do not subscribe to the philosophy that everybody deserves a gold star.  Or five. In the world of business . . .  dare I say life . . . competition is real.  We are all measured.  We are judged by our customer service and by the quality of our product.  Fact.  Ages ago, Max Depree said that the role of a leader is to “define reality”.  So here you go: the bottom line is that not every customer service experience is the same.  And it does matter.  It matters to our customers.  It matters to who we are.  It matters to our bottom line.

So I assign points.  It gives a simple language to express my level of happy as I go about my starbuckling escapades.  And it’s an easy shorthand.  You know exactly what I mean when I pump my fist in the air and shout, “FIVE STARS”.  You also feel my pain when I lean my head against my steering wheel in the drive thru lane and whisper, “no stars for you”.

You see my point.